Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Reflection Journal


Hi, I am back.

I have created my blog last year to write my reflections about creating a class website. I have not added any more posts after that. This summer, for my IDD&E master's program, I have a capstone course IDE 737-Advanced Instructional Design, and I will write my reflections about that course. First, I have written my reflections on paper but I think using this blog will be better for my future.

What is reflection journal?
A journal journal is kind of document which I can record my thoughts, feelings, experiences, ideas during the course process. I will share also related photos, videos, graphics in here. Firstly, I will start to write my reflections about course readings.

Reflections on Course Readings- (25 May-25 June)

I have twelve course readings and self checks(small quizzes). When I saw twelve readings at the beginning of course, I thought; 'Oh! twelve readings, how can I finish them, this is really too much with other assignments!" However, after I have started to reading I really enjoyed them. That was my this summer's novel book :) Readings kept me engaged to the course. I am happy, I have not quit learning this summer by that capstone course. Also, Professor Koszalka prepare small quizzes in her every course. I really like these quizzes, because in quizzes students can see important points of readings. If we answer questions wrong, we go back reading and read that part again. By that method, we learn better.

Merrill's First Principles of Learning

Professor talked about this article in first and third visual session. According to Merrill instructional design is based on these principles: integration, activation, demonstration, application and problem centered. An instruction should include at least one of these principles. My instruction includes problem-based principle. I have designed my instruction solving a problem that teachers have.

Advanced Organizers

While I was reading this article, I have remembered my being math teacher days. I thought that, did I used concept maps, graphics while teaching? Yes, I did. There were also graphical problems in math. I have solved this problems in my classes. Why did I use concept maps, graphics or pictures in my classes? To make learning easy and understandable for my students. While I was doing that, I did not thought that I am advanced organizer. In that article, I have learned that organizational schemes are important for students who have learning disabilities. In my instruction, all steps are related to each other. I think this is one of the example of organizational schemes.

Providing concreteness, activity, and familiarity

This article mentions about three instructional methods to make learning more meaningful: concrete methods: make the learning content more concrete; discovery methods: make the learner more active during the learning process and inductive method: make the learning content more familiar by having the learner use prior knowledge. Each technics have examples. By these examples, again I went my teaching days. 

This is one example of concreteness. Yes, I have used same example in my math class while I was teaching parallelogram's area. I have used materials which I have prepared.

I have to use discovery methods while I am playing with my baby. We can use this example, to build a home. This example made me identify that children can use discovery methods while playing with legos (toys). There three kinds of discovery methods: Pure discovery: a student discover method for solving problem with minimal teacher guidance; guided discovery: a student discover method for solving problem with teacher guidance; expository discovery: a student is told have to solve the problem.

Everyone knows that Chinese proverb: this is example of inductive learning. Instead of explaining a concept, the teacher presents students with examples showing how the concept is used.

Fostering Learning Strategies: Mnemonic, Structure and Generative Strategies

In this reading there are three different types of learning strategies: Mnemonic strategies, structure strategies, generative strategies.

Mnemonic strategies that help students remember material through memorization. In this example, we can help students to remember the order of planets by easy mnemonic technique.

In the reading, advanced organizers, I have learned about concept maps, organizational schemes, diagrams. Structure methods are same with organizational schemes. Structure methods helps students organize the learning material. 

Generative strategies are used to help the students integrate presented information with existing knowledge and example. Note taking, summarizing, questioning are example of generative methods of learning.

Authenticity, Self-regulation and Reflection in Learning

"An instructional design framework has been developed to promote the development of students’ generic skills, as well as deep and meaningful approaches to learning. The instructional framework proposes that three key learning principles for designing effective learning environments – authenticity, self-regulation and reflection." [page 9]

Authenticity: "Learning activities based on an authentic context reflect the way in which the information being learnt is actually used in the workplace, and provides students with tasks or problems that have real world relevance." [page 5]

Self-regulated learning: "Learning strategies that promote self-regulated learning and a degree of intellectual independence are those where students are encouraged to engage with learning activities that are self-directed and 2 autonomous." [page 2-3]

Reflection: "Reflection is a deliberate act of thinking about past or future events in which a perceived problem or activity is examined so that a reasoned response may be tested (Loughram, 1996). "[page 4]

Enhancing Teaching Activities

While I was reading this article, I thought that was list of things I have to do in my classrooms to enhance my teaching activities. There are list of instructions for teachers what they have to do. For example, help students to understand a difficult concept, get students to effectively read and use their textbooks, get students to write better reflection journals (that is what I am doing now), get students to see flaws in their reasoning or correcting improper conclusions etc. In my instruction, I have used several of these teaching activities. Especially there is assessment of learners part and in that part facilitator asks questions to determine their level of knowledge and keep them engaged during the program.

Performance Assessment: 
Rubrics That Make Learning Goals and Evaluation Criteria Explicit
Holistic and Analytic Rubrics

What is rubric? "Rubric is a type of matrix that has scaled level of achievement or understanding for a set of criteria or dimensions of quality for a given type of performance. For example, a paper, an oral presentation or use of teamwork skills."[page 197]

Readings are related to each others. In these example, there are concept map that shows scoring instruments for performance assessments. While I am learning about scoring instruments, I see example for structure methods of learning and advance organizers.

There two kinds of rubrics. Holistic rubrics and analytic rubrics.
"A holistic rubric requires the teacher to score the overall process or product as a whole, without judging the component parts separately (Nitko, 2001). " [page 2]
"...with an analytic rubric, the teacher scores separate, individual parts of the product or performance first, then sums the individual scores to obtain a total score (Moskal, 2000; Nitko, 2001)." [page 2]

Power of Feedback

All teachers know importance of feedback in education. Feedback is really significant issue in education. These article mentioned about different types of feedback and how it can be effective for learning. What is feedback? "Feedback is conceptualized as information provided by an agent (e.g., teacher, peer, book, parent, self, experience) regarding aspects of one’s performance or understanding." [page 81]

 In this concept map, we see four levels of feedback; task level, process level, self-regulation level and self level. In my instruction, I have used feedback from facilitator to learners for a better learning. By reading this article, I have understand the power of feedback again. In my instruction, I have used feedback. Also while I have been creating my final storyboards, I have considered my two peers and professor's feedbacks. This is one example how feedback powerful in my life.

Contextualized Teaching and Learning

This reading reminded me my students' most common questions: 'Teacher, we are learning math, but, in our life, where we will use it?" I answered them "I have studied and learned math, and now, I am math teacher and I am earning my money with math. :)" According to contextual learning theory, learning happens when students engage it in their real lives. Techniques for contextual learning are: 
"Location – based learning provides a student-centered authentic-experiential learning environment where learning occurs in a context where required information is identified and applied." [page 4]
"Problem-based learning is a student-centered pedagogy that contextualizes the learner (or group of learners) in a problem to be solved." [page 4]
"Job-embedded-learning, also known as on-the-job-training and -learning , is learning that occurs while workers are engaged in their daily work. "[page 5]

Designing Learning Objects to Personalize Learning

In today's world, especially for busy graduate students, there are learning in online environment. This course is one of the online courses I have taken. This article mentions how to create a blueprint for more personalized online learning. The article has started with gap in the online learning environment. In classroom based learning, instructor keeps engaged the students during the learning process but in online environment students have to be self controlled and motivated for learning. Actually, I am not agree with this statement. Because, in online learning the instructor can be more engaging. Last semester, while I was taking online course, I have spent most of my time for online course. Everyday I have checked discussion board, read my classmates and professor comments and wrote my comments. By, small quizzes, readings and projects I have always kept active my participation to the online course.

First Visual Session and Preparation- May 25

This the 4th course I take from Prof. Tiffany Koszalka. She really has perfect course design and I enjoy her courses while I am studying. We had our first visual session on May-25. It was really tiring and long day for me. Because I am in maymaster session, I have 4 hour class everyday (IDE 641- Techniques in Educational Evaluation), I have homework, readings and I need to join my first visual session for IDE 737- Advanced Instructional Design.

In the first visual session we met with professor via online webconference system and we had started with scavenger hunt questions. The professor asked us several questions about the course and we have answered them to the blackboard in fifteen mins and yeah, we got 5 bonus points! Then professor explained about the course; what the assignments we have, what we will learn, what readings we will finish, what we will do during the course. She mentioned about first reading, Merrill's first principles of instruction and learning. One of the course requirements' is that to create storyboards.

What is storyboards? What I have decided to do?

Storyboards are a text and graphic description of instruction presented as a series of frames. There are two storyboards example on the blackboard: Online case study: Troubleshooting Customer Calls and Abbie's Ice Cream. I reviewed these examples carefully and watched tutorials. These are, of course, well designed simple examples and I have understood the purpose and design of storyboards. I have seen storyboards first time in IDE 631- Instructional Design Development course and prepared storyboards in my course project. But in this course I have learned details.

We need to prepare storyboards about the instruction we have experience before. After I have graduated from undergraduate university, I became math&science teacher and I have worked as a math teacher in Kuleli Middle School in Turkey. While I was working in there, it was mandatory to prepare exams, quizzes and work sheets for students in word program. Because, sometimes problems could occur in the hand written exams. (unreadable hand writings etc.). But some teachers did not know how to use word program efficiently (tables, charts, mathematical symbols etc.) Also, there were projectors in some classes and teachers needed to prepare power point presentations for their classes. However, some of the teachers did not know to prepare presentations on the power point. So, the teachers thought that they need a skill-training to learn how to use office programs effectively and efficiently. I have decided to prepare story boards about a skill-training instruction.

Pre-Work: Online Case Study- 29 May

Troubleshooting Customer Calls

I remember that case from IDE 631-Instructional Design and Development course. Professor presented 'trouble shooting customer calls' to the class and we have discussed problem, solution of problem and other details. These storyboards are designed well. This is only 'introductory session' for new CSRs and it is good start for introduction. The instruction includes three steps: Presentation, demonstration and debrief. It gives important information to the learners about customer calls and in 'debrief' part, learners can ask their questions. But in my opinion, the time is too long for 'introduction' session and I could not see any way to learn learner's level of knowledge about customer service. My suggestion would be to ask questions to learners about what they learned. My other suggestion would be to add real materials during the presentation. For example, while facilitator presenting information about customer calls, he/she can show it by using real phone and call to the class. That kind of instruction would be more engaging and motivating for new learners.

Pre-Work: Online Case Study

Of course online case for summer course should be about ice cream :)

Abbie's Ice Cream

Before I start to education faculty to become a teacher, I never thought that there can be an 'instruction' in ice cream shop. I only thought instructions are job of us; teachers, educators. But education can place in anywhere else. In these sample, instruction takes place in ice cream shop. This is really easy example for all level of students to understand the design of storyboards. In these storyboards, every step about instruction are explained detailed. If I were the server who attended ice cream shop owner's training, I would learned how to prepare and serve a desert. In that sample, everything designed well but there is not any feedback or debrief session after practice. In my opinion, there should be one more session which servers can get feedback from owner after practice. By feedback, servers could learn better how to do an ice cream.

To Prepare Initial Storyboards- 30 May

As I mentioned above I have prepared storyboards about skill-training for Kuleli Middle School (in Turkey) teachers who do not know how to use office programs effectively and efficiently in their classrooms. The computer teacher will be volunteer to teach how to use office programs to the teachers. The training program will be placed in the school's computer lab. In the computer lab, all trainers will have individual computers. The computer teacher will teach with presentation slides and videos. Then teachers will have a chance to practice on their individual computers what they learn. In my storyboards, I have started with one page summary about instruction, then I have designed six (6) frames: introduction, demonstration, practice, debrief practice, assessment of learners, conclusion. All frames include duration time (my instructions duration time is 5 hours), related graphics, instructional activities, activity deliverables, resources required, key learning outcomes, key content points and notes.

I really enjoyed while I was preparing storyboards. Because, I have worked as a middle school math teacher and I know that teaching by mathematical symbols and problems is very boring for students. So, I have prepared my classes more visual by graphics, images and colors. I think using more visual resources, tools makes the learning more enjoyable and effective. It is valid both small children and graduate level students. That is why storyboards are effective instructional tools.

Virtual Session II- 7 June

This session was totally disappointment for me. Before the session begins I have checked my computer and headphones; everything was perfect. I have finished my initial storyboards and uploaded to the blackboard and was waiting to present it. I needed Professor's and classmates' feedback to make changes on it. When it was my turn, suddenly I noticed that I had a problem: My voice wasn't broadcasting within the webconference. Although I have tried every way, I could not access my audio settings.  By that way, I have understood one more time the weaknesses of online instructions. Technology has improved and it is a considerably convenient way to take online courses without attending physically to the classes, but sometimes some problems may occur like in my case. My storyboards presentation postponed to next virtual session.

Some of my classmates presented their initial storyboards.

Introductory front squad instructional: Louis has prepared a storyboards about to teach incoming collegiate, football student-athletes at Northwestern university proper front squad technique. He has prepared five (5) steps for his instruction. (Introduction, demonstration, small group work, evaluation and debrief session) I liked his storyboards but as Professor said, the images are not related to frames' content.

Sewing classes: Christine has presented storyboards about sewing classes. I think it is similar to ice cream case study. Because she will create an instructional unit about skill training. I am looking forward to see her next steps for that project.

Beginner App Inventor: This is my best. Caitlyn has designed online instruction for children who missed residential class. Rest of children could find chance to catch up with the rest of class. I really liked her idea and flow of storyboards. Her images are also related to storyboards. Good job Kit, she really inspired me.

Other classmates shared their ideas about the storyboards, what they will design. We will look forward to see what we will do for next visual session. I hope, my problem about online session will be solved and I will have a chance to present my storyboards.

Virtual Session III- 14 June 2016

This session was important for me. Because I could not present my storyboards and could not get any feedback from Professor and my classmates. I had some audio problems and I wanted to solve my audio problems before session begins. And I started my session solving my audio problem and I succeed it! I had chance to present my storyboards. I have prepared my storyboards to train teachers about office programs. Actually my idea is to teach teachers MS Word and Power Point. Because there are projectors in some classes and some teachers do not know how to prepare Power Point presentations. Other program is MS Word; although it is mandatory to prepare quizzes, exams, worksheets on MS Word some of the teachers do not know how to use MS Word efficiently. Professor told me to choose only one office program for training. Because to teach 'office programs' are very wide concept and it is hard to prepare a training program in a short time. Actually I am agree with that idea. So, I have decided to choose only MS Word for training teachers. Also, professor advised me to be more specific about MS Word. Because there are a lot of tutorial videos on web about MS Word, but my instruction should be specific for teachers. We will teach needed features of MS Word such us headers, footers, ruler, charts, symbols etc. Next steps for my storyboards is: I will send them two of my friends outside of class and get feedback from them about my storyboards. Then I will re-design my storyboards in consideration of professor and reviewers' feedbacks.

           Here I am! Finally, I have presented my initial storyboards and got Professor's feedback.

      Otherwise, we have talked about class reading in this session. Professor prepared questions about readings and she asked them to the class. We have answered this questions.

Readings 1. First Principles and 3. Providing Concreteness:
We have talked about Merrill's first principles and we have to consider these five principles while we create our instruction. I have used real world problem in my instruction and these principles are adapted in it. Other one was concreteness and professor gave an example which I am familiar with. Think about counting. When students start to learn counting we give them pencils with different colors and shapes. We want them to give three pencils and after that to give two pencils. Then we want them to contrast these two groups of pencils: which one is bigger than other, what is the relationship between these two groups? I have considered especially discovery methods in my instruction. In practice session, learners can create their own materials with trainer's guidance.

Reading 2. Advanced Organizers: Advanced organizers provide a framework about instruction: what will be done, what they will learn, what they will practice. In my instruction, I have prepared an introduction session and it informs learners about next steps of program.

Reading 6. Authenticity, self-regulation and reflection in learning and 7. Enhanced teaching and student activities: 

Building webpage using HTML and CSS: Jiaying has prepared storyboards about web design for college students who does not know about web design and programming. Instruction will be placed in computer lab, same as my instruction. It seemed hard for me because I got programming course before and programming is really hard and complex job. Instruction really should be designed well for programming classes.

Implementing a Recruiting System: Lanear has prepared storyboards about athlete recruiting. I really do not know about athletes/sports instruction but his storyboards seemed confusing to me. His flow of storyboards are different than other storyboards. 

Case study creation: Stephanie has prepared storyboards about academic integrity case study. She will teach new employee how to use software that she uses. Her idea is good because always new employee needs expert employee's help to learn job. Her instruction also designed well, break into three days.
I saw different storyboards, instructional ideas in different expertise areas. By that way, I got more ideas on storyboarding. I will do all edits after I get feedback from two peers.

Peers' Feedback on Initial Storyboards- 28 June

As I mentioned above, I have to send my storyboards at least two peers who have an idea about instructional design. I have sent it two of my friends. One of them is Nihan, studying PhD on educational technology at University of Florida and my colleague at Turkish Ministry of Education. I wanted her feedback because she has expertise on education. Generally she liked my instructional design and storyboards, she did not give any negative feedback. She advised me to do some minor changes on storyboards. I have taken into consideration while I have created final version of initial storyboards.

My other reviewer is Yuri, we are studying in the same department -IDD&E- and he has instructional design background. Thanks to Yuri, because his feedback is really helped me while I create my final initial storyboards. He advised me to be more objective than to be subjective in my instruction. For example, in activity outcomes, to say 'learners will learn' is subjective approach because we can not measure that they will learn or not. I am agree with him, I have to be more careful about activity outcomes.

Final of the Course- 29 June

I am happy to finish one of the master courses while enjoying it. It was online course, well designed for summer session and I did not spend my summer time without learning. In that course, I have gained more knowledge about learning, teaching and instructional design.

I saw Professor's cat, Kit's cat and this is my lovely cat :)

- I have done final edits on my storyboards in consideration of Professor's and my two peers' feedback. By that way, I have tried to design the best instruction on my initial storyboards. As I mentioned above, this was real problem that I have lived while I was teacher in Kuleli Middle school. The teachers talked about that kind training program for them but we could not make real it. Maybe one day, I can design an instruction similar to that one, if I see similar problem. I have done final edits on my storyboards considering professor's and my two reviewer's feedbacks. I thought I almost finish but editing took my hours. I really worked hard on it. I picked every word carefully. I hope I can success on it.

- I have enjoyed readings. It was like my summer book near me. The readings kept me engaged with my studies during the summer. I have read readings at home or outside while I was together with my baby. This is one of the advantages of online courses.

- Finally, I really enjoyed while I am writing to my reflections to the blog. I like writing, I have many word documents keeping my stories, memories, reflections but I could not find time to design them in a blog. But by that course project, I had a chance to write and share my reflections during the course process. First, I have started to write my reflections as a course assignment but after while, I could not stop writing almost everyday :) It motivated me and I will continue to blogging!

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