Saturday, May 2, 2015

My Reflections on Creating a Website

         Hi Everyone,

         Here is the link to my website: Mrs. Yaman's Science Class

         The main purpose of my website is to teach elementary science topics to 6th,7th and 8th grades students. To be concrete on understanding, some videos, games, and basic illustrations of the topics are provided as well. The website also ensures the instructor interacts with students and parents such as publishing announcements, assignments, exam and solutions etc. A forum page is provided to discuss anything related with the course. In this way, students will be able to connect each other and work in kind of a way of group study which makes them social too. On the other hand, the website also shows the educational use of technology to science teachers. It will give a new approach to them on teaching science.  

         I used Google sites tool to create this website. It was extremely easy to begin and improve it. All I needed to do was just to read tips and short instructions. Everything was obvious and easy to reach. One who didn't create a website before can do it within an hour or so.
On the other hand, the rich database of Google is also apparent in this tool. There are tons of themes, styles, colors, features.
         The only thing that I didn't like is the image tool. It looks like that tool has a bug. Sometimes the configuration table of an inserted image to the page stays at the behind of image. So no way to configure it at all. One should close the whole tab and reenter the webpage to fix it. Other than this, I found everything I need.

          I definitely recommend Google Sites to students on this project. Further, if student knows HTML programming, this will be easier working with Google Sites. Last and most important thing I would advice is to start doing your website by planning it on a piece of paper. Include the main purpose and  scope in your draft. That will make your work easier. Good luck!

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